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Platform Profile
What do you think of when you hear the word "Efficient"?
Efficiencies provide the ratio of output to input. In generic terms, efficiency tells us how well we are using the available resource.
Tongyu's new antenna platform with a patented design structure has been revolutionary upgraded. There are "6+5+2+3", a total of 16 creative advantages, it will lead the communication industry into the efficient era of high-performance antenna.
Manufacturer view
High performance antenna based on Taurus platform increased the production efficiency of manufacturer, reduced the complexity of product structure.
Operator View
The Taurus platform offers antenna with higher performance and stable quality to power operators provide excellent user experience to subscribers.
Investor View
Due to farther coverage distances and higher radiation efficiency of the antenna, reduces CapEx and OpEx for investors by deploying the high performance antenna.
Environment View
The new Taurus platform is not only a good booster for environmental sustainability, but also an honorable witness of Tongyu's "green factory" and a powerful guarantee to respond to the world's environmental requirements for "carbon reduction".